S.P.I.R.I.T Resources Inc.
S.P.I.R.I.T Resources Inc.
~Changing the world one person at a time~
Program Participants:
S.J.: "Great news I have a job interview Tuesday @ 2:00pm on Oct. 9 and I have another one on Oct.17@ 3:00pm and I 'm hoping to get a third interview with another company this month. Thank you for all the help"
M.C.: I found housing, thank you for everything!"
Community Supporters:
L.B: "Ms. Elam..... I am most impressed with her motivation and sincere efforts to provide very necessary services and resources to families in need."
J.D: "We support S.P.I.R.I.T. Resources Inc in the mission and purpose of the organization. Going forward, we have volunteered our services to teach an entry level class, “Automotive Basics, How to Take Care of Your Car,” quarterly, in the effort to develop more self-sufficient single parents
Dr. M: . I am writing in support of Ms. Elam and her spirit to make a positive and a measurable difference to the single parent families in the area. She is an advocate of children.